Natalie Marie Coaching

Coaching women who are wanting to live the abundant life Christ purchased for them.

  • Often times we are called to live a more fulfilling, abundant life but we are too afraid to step out of our comfort zones. My coaching will help you navigate those fears and create practical steps to make the first move towards the life you were meant to live.

What is coaching?

The good news is that coaching is for everyone. There are times in all of our lives where we feel stuck and don’t know the next move to make. Coaching is perfect for helping you figure out what is holding you back while implementing steps to help you move forward.

Have you been working to check off all the boxes that the world tells us we need and are still feeling unfulfilled? Coaching is for you.

Have you done everything you thought you were supposed to and are still feeling empty? Coaching is for you.

Do you know that there has to be more to life but you don’t know how to move forward? Coaching is for you.

No matter if the issue seems simple or complex, coaching can help. We’ve been called to so much more than living a life feeling stuck with no where to go. We’ve been called to abundant life. Let’s move forward together.

***Coaching is not a replacement for mental health treatment.***

  • “The time I spent with Natalie was very helpful in expanding my paradigm. Natalie is a good listener and offers insightful advice. I appreciate the way she opened my eyes to the situation we were discussing.”

    Gretchen N.

  • “I would highly recommend Natalie for your self improvement goals. She’s very helpful in thinking outside the box and very creative when you have seemed to run out of options.”

    Jessica A.


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